Jenner, California

The twins returned from grad night around 2-2:30am this morning and I woke them up around 11:00am. We were heading to Jenner with Anika to hike today.

Anika arrived at 11:30 and we were on our way to Jenner Headlands Preserve. We began up the Sea to Sky Trail, which would ultimately be a 15 mile round-trip trail, with 3,500' elevation gain and labeled as strenuous. While generally we would hike 3 miles every hour or 45 min, beginning at 11:30am, we thought it best to just play it by ear and be mindful of a turn around time if need be. This hike would take an experienced hiker 7 hours round trip.
Well it wasn't like you gradually inclined; right from the start you were heading up. The wind was 20 mph and the temperature was 57°. It was chilly and the wind wasn't exactly working in your favor. I was hiking with two boys half my age and girl that trail runs and works out more than regularly; to say I was out of my league was an understatement, lol.
The first stop you reach is Sentinel Point at 500 feet elevation gain. From here you get views of the ocean and where the Russian River flows into the Pacific Ocean.  We continued higher to Bay Rock, where you are now above the fog at 880 feet elevation gain and about 1.38 miles into the hike. Another mile and a half we were at 1000 ft and then traveled .85 miles until we hit the Russian Gulch Trail. This trail was beautiful. We were amongst the redwoods and you never would have even known just past them was the ocean. 
We took this trail, which is 3.5 mile trail and labeled as moderate. To get back to the Sea to Sky Trail the Russian Gulch spits you back out in the western grassland. The great thing is once you get up above around 800 ft the wind stops and the temperature raises to about 67°.
The also great thing was during the grassland elevation gains, Trenton stayed back with this old lady and we got to have some really great conversations.
9 miles later we all ended back at the jeep and decided to go get food. We found this little place off the water and the three of them got clam chowder and I had a vegan sandwich with vegan macaroons. Well,  the buzzer rang and our food was up for grabs. They returned with the clam chowder, took the lid off and it looked like a spinach soup that the oil was separated from the cream. It wasn't exactly what they signed up for but my raise bow veggie vegan sandwich was great! After the let down, we left to get then a slice of dammit Janet's cheesecake at Duncan Mills General Store; which I'm still wondering what Janet did. Well, we were in luck. Dammit Janet rang up their cheesecakes, but all we got out of her was and I quote directly from her, " I'm that bitch." Still not sure what she did. When I asked dammit Janet what she did she just repeated again she was that bitch. Well, okay then. My sister lives by it, so maybe you're just saying dammit because it's that good? I'll just take their word for it.

We drove back home and prepared for out last meal before I leave in the morning. We planned to meet at BJ's at 8, but none of us remembered to make a reservation. So we headed down to Mary's Pizza Shack in downtown Santa Rosa.  I never like being that girl that asks a ton of menu questions,  but when I told the waitress I was vegan, she was really cool and helped me put together a dish that I thought turned out pretty dang good!
It's been an eventful week to say the least. Now as it's coming to an end, it's remarkable to think of all that I accomplished over the last couple days, but do dang worth it! Have a great night 🌱💚


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