camping adventure

How do I even begin to write about this weekends adventure? I sat in the car with Kyle today just blown away at God's grace. Just blown away that God saw it fit to hand pick us and decide we were to be chosen to live in a place people literally spend their whole lives saving money just to spend 10 days in and this we get to call home. I mean really think about that for a second. My 2nd day here a man told me he's been trying to get here for years but the opportunity has yet to present itself so he continues to travel back and forth. I never want to forget this gratitude I feel so strongly.

By my house there is so much driftwood.. we stopped at the side of the road to look at the driftwood sculpted into a whale,, a turtle and as Kyle models.. a shark, lol

Yesterday,  we headed up the back side to Hana. The night before there were some pretty strong winds and rain and it looked like it was hitting the front side that morning. So we met up with Brandy and Neil at Down To Earth. If you've never been to this store, like I hadn't,  it's literally a vegan's heaven.

As we set off I was mystified by the weather here. The wind will change direction at the drop of a dime. It is so erratic. And rain drops aren't just like little drizzles either. We're talking like silver dollar status and heavy too! We stopped in the middle of the road during the rain to move some bedding into the truck only to literally drive 5 more feet and the rain abruptly stop.

We went to a red sand beach and was welcomed by a monk seal just sunbathing on the sand. We headed to a black sand beach and all of us tumbled in the water laughing all afternoon long. The rain came and went. Mist circled the air and the sun played hide and go seek. The day was filled with laughter, love and authenticity. It was beautiful. We drank from coconuts and ate the meat. 
As the afternoon crept up, we found a safe spot off the road and set up camp overlooking the water. We made a fire, cooked some soup and spent the evening playing hand pans and looking at the stars in wonder. Over the night, once again the wind changed directions and the silver dollar rain drops returned, but this time we were covered by a rain guard.

As I sit here writing this I am still picking pieces of red and black sand from my head even after several rinses and a shower. This was a weekend that was both magical and refreshing. Blessed to have an open mind, beautiful conversation,  and as I look up I am blessed to be given a view of a rainbow in the distance. In this moment,  it doesn't get better than this. 


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